Tuesday, March 27, 2012

What a Month

The month of March gave us some weather to be excited about.  We have been supper busy preping beds and spring cleanup.  We have also had our hands full with applying an Ammonium Sulfate fertilizer to the athletic fields along with aerifying and topdressing them.  The common areas and the Campus Green got a shot of some fertilizer with Barricade to keep our weed emergence and bay during the season.  We also made our first Summer Patch application of Headway because of the increasing soil temperatures. 

The athletic schedule has been in full swing too.  This is the first time in four years that the baseball team was able to start games prior to Spring Break.  We have been consummed with preparing the baseball and softball fields daily, which is awesome.  The lacrosse teams too have been utilizing the fields.  Boys JV lacrosse was able to use the newly sodded and renovated field E for a game about a week and a half ago.  I happy that thier "home" is ready and playable for the season. 

This week we are busy finishing up aerifying.  Only two and a half fields to go.  However, a little delay this morning with the freezing temperatures.  What happened to the 70's?  We will be busy buring in and double cutting the mowing patterens on all of the fields.  I will have photos to follow when we are finished.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Jinx Is On

Well it is official... I have successfully jinxed ourselves.  We are taking the plows of the trucks today and you know what that means, it will snow.  Well I hope not.

We are going to be doing our first fertilizer application today.  We will be applying an Amonium Sulfate product at .75 pounds of Nitrogen per square foot.  This will give the turf a good kick in the rear and allow us to start to get a nice "green up" for this spring.  The fertilizer does not have any Phosphorous so as to follow the proposed state guidelines on fertilizer applications.  Honestly, we do not need to apply Phosphorous because we can make what is in the soil available to the plant with the use of Calcium.  We continue to groom the skinned areas of the baseball and softball fields for the practices and I will be searching for a mat to put down in front of the pitchers mound for batting practice.  We are already starting to loose turf.
I promise to have some photos soon.